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To become an organizer of Elementary School Teacher Education based on psychosocial learning innovation, character development, literacy, science, art and culture, professional ethics, independent learning and acquisition of foreign languages and skills in using ICT to support the formation of an entrepreneurial spirit.
Produce educators who have attitudes in professional ethics and are independent in developing extensive partnership networks at the national and international levels
Producing educators who have general skills in ICT mastery that can be implemented in project-based learning in the field of Primary School Teacher Education who are superior and globally competitive.
Producing educators who have knowledge skills in literacy and numeracy to solve problems in the field of Primary School Teacher Education that are superior and globally competitive.
Producing educators who have special skills and an entrepreneurial spirit, have the ability to develop innovative learning processes and are able to solve problems in the field of Primary School Teacher Education that are superior and globally competitive.
The formulation of the study program achievement strategy is structured in the form of graduate learning outcomes with aspects 1) Attitude; 2) General Skills; 3) Knowledge; and 4) Special Skills.
Fear of God Almighty and able to show religious attitude.
Upholding human values in carrying out duties based on religion, morals and ethics.
Contributing to improving the quality of life in society, nation, state, and progress of civilization based on Pancasila.
Act as citizens who are proud and love the country, have nationalism and a sense of responsibility to the state and nation.
Respect the diversity of cultures, views, religions and beliefs, as well as the opinions or original findings of others.
Working together and having social sensitivity and concern for society and the environment.
Obey the law and discipline in the life of society and the state.
Internalize academic values, norms, and ethics.
Demonstrate a responsible attitude towards work in the field of expertise independently.
Internalize the spirit of independence, struggle and entrepreneurship.
Able to apply logical, critical, systematic and innovative thinking in the context of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies humanities values in accordance with their field of expertise.
Able to demonstrate independent, quality, and measurable performance.
Able to study the implications of the development or implementation of science and technology that pays attention to and applies the values of the humanities in accordance with their expertise based on scientific principles, procedures and ethics in order to produce solutions, ideas, designs or art criticism.
Able to compile a scientific description of the results of his study in the form of a thesis or final project report, and upload it on the college website.
Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems in their area of expertise, based on the results of information and data analysis.
Able to maintain and develop a network with mentors, colleagues, peers both inside and outside the institution.
Able to be responsible for the achievement of group work results and supervise and evaluate the completion of work assigned to workers who are under their responsibility.
Mastering the principles and theory of education in elementary schools.
Mastering the concept of the characteristics of the development of students in elementary schools, both cognitive, affective and psychomotor development.
Mastering conceptual knowledge of fields of study in elementary schools including Indonesian, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, Civics, and SBdP.
Mastering innovative curriculum concepts, approaches, strategies, models, methods, techniques and learning resources as classroom teachers in elementary schools.
Mastering concepts, processes, results and learning evaluation techniques in elementary schools.
Mastering basic concepts and research procedures that can solve problems and improve the quality of learning in elementary schools.
Mastering the concepts and techniques of guidance and counseling services in elementary schools to solve problems and improve the quality of learning in elementary schools.
Mastering the concept of entrepreneurship in the field of education which refers to global developments.
Able to implement educational principles and theories through the design and implementation of learning in elementary schools in a responsible manner.
Able to implement concepts about the characteristics of the development of students both cognitive, affective and psychomotor development.
Able to implement conceptual knowledge of fields of study in elementary schools including Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Sciences, Civics, and SBdP, through the design and implementation of innovative learning in accordance with academic ethics.
Able to apply the results of curriculum analysis and development, approaches, strategies, models, methods, techniques, and innovative learning resources as teachers in elementary schools.
Able to apply the process evaluation design and learning outcomes in elementary schools on an ongoing basis.
Able to apply designs and carry out research in the field of elementary education scientifically in accordance with academic ethics and principles and able to produce outputs in the form of theses and scientific articles.
Able to apply guidance and counseling services in elementary schools to solve problems and improve the quality of learning in elementary schools.
Able to apply entrepreneurship skills in the field of education that refers to global developments.
Able to apply entrepreneurship skills in the field of education that refers to global developments.